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FADE IN: EXT - CONVENT - DAY Whispering of nuns at prayer. DISSOLVE TO: INT - CHAPEL - DAY Nuns at prayer; MOTHER MIRIAM, the Superior closes the gate and locks it. DISSOLVE TO: EXT - COURTYARD - DAY The nuns walking around the courtyard in an anticlockwise direction saying the rosary. DISSOLVE TO: INT - CHAPEL - DAY A line of nuns kneeling at prayer. Closeups of various individuals. DISSOLVE TO: EXT - CONVENT - NIGHT A single shot of the building. INT - TOP CORRIDOR - NIGHT SISTER MARGUERITE is locking up for the night, shutting doors, turning off lights, finally walks off down the corridor. Suddenly a terrified scream is heard, the voice of a young woman. EXT - CONVENT - NIGHT Lights in the windows flick on. INT - TOP CORRIDOR - NIGHT The nuns are running up the corridor in their night dresses and caps, calling urgently in French. They reach the door of Sister Agnes' room and try the door. It is blocked. Pushing harder they see the blood stained figure of SISTER AGNES. Much alarm and crying... MOTHER SUPERIOR Agnes!... Agnes... EXT - CONVENT - NIGHT An ambulance comes tearing down the road, siren blaring. It cuts the siren and stops outside the convent gates. The nuns open the gate and the ambulance drives inside. INT - TOP CORRIDOR - NIGHT Two PARAMEDICS urgently run the stretcher down the hall to the unconscious figure of Sister Agnes. The Mother Superior desperately wipes and kisses her face. PARAMEDIC I'm just going to put something here to stop the bleeding. Excuse me Sister. She'll be fine. They lift her on to the stretcher and run back down the hall. The Mother Superior looks around worriedly and goes into... INT - SISTER AGNES' ROOM - NIGHT She kneels down by a waste paper basket full of bloodied sheets and starts to pull them out. Then she freezes, makes the sign of the cross and starts to weep. DISSOLVE TO: EXT - MONTREAL - NIGHT An aerial shot of the great cross of Montreal. Superimposed over this are the words "MONTREAL, QUEBEC". DISSOLVE TO: EXT - SUPREME COURT - DAY A normal busy day. A car pulls up with a woman and a man driving. The woman is MARTHA LIVINGSTON. She kisses the man (LARRY), gets out of the car, runs across the road dodgingtraffic and goes up the steps of the courthouse. There a group of REPORTERS there and a sudden bustle of interest. REPORTER Here they are now. Martha watches intently as 3 nuns, the Mother Superior, Sister Marguerite, and Sister Agnes (dressed in a white novices habit) and their LAWYER come out of the court escorted by police. The reporters leap on them, taking photographs, asking questions in English and French. Suddenly Sister Agnes looks right at Martha, then she is quickly bustled past. Martha goes on into the courthouse. INT - JUDGE'S CHAMBERS - DAY Inside EVE, LYON, and JUSTICE LEVEAU are sitting. Martha is standing by the window smoking furiously. LEVEAU Martha, it's you. MARTHA What about Roger? He's free. EVE They want a woman. LYON All you have to do is meet with her once or twice... then tell the court she's insane. MARTHA Are you dictating my position to me? We're getting into some sticky legal territories here. EVE Martha, all we're saying is, no-one wants this to come to trial, not the Church, not the Crown... least of all me. MARTHA Eve, she strangled a baby! EVE Nobody is interested in sending a nun to prison. LEVEAU We're not telling you what to decide Martha. We're not even telling you to take this. LYON Is there any reason why you feel you shouldn't take it? Martha pauses for a long moment at the window, then turns. MARTHA Today's my birthday. I always make bad decisions on my birthday. The Judge, Eve and Lyon all chuckle. The Judge throws the file down on his desk towards her. LEVEAU Happy birthday. 15 INT - MARTHA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Martha unlocks the door and comes in. She plays her answerphone and moves over to her cat. MARTHA Hi, Kitty. The answerphone whirs... SECRETARY (V.O.) Hi, it's Helen, calling to tell you that Mrs Davenport phoned to confirm her appointment at nine o'clock tomorrow, okay? Bye bye. Some whirs and clicks. ROGER (V.O.) Hi Martha, it's Roger. Can you call me at the hospital. I'd like your opinion on a case. Oh, bye the way, happy birthday. Bye. SECRETARY (V.O.) Hi, Marty it's Helen again. I cancelled your Wednesday afternoon appointment so you can visit with your mother. Bye bye. MAN (in French) ??? Martha picks up a news paper with a photo of Sister Agnes on the front. DISSOLVE TO: 16 EXT - CONVENT - DAY Martha pulls up in her BMW outside the convent walls and gets out, cigarette in hand. A sign tangled over with creeper reads "Les Petites Soeurs de Marie Madeleine". Martha jangles a bell. After a wait she presses a buzzer. A peephole in the door slams open and Sister Marguerite looks out. MARTHA Bonjour, I'm Doctor Martha Livingston, I... The peephole slams shut, but the door does open. Sister Marguerite glares at her. MARTHA (Cont.) Hello... I'm Doctor Martha Living...ston... I... Martha realizes it is the cigarette that is causing the trouble and hastily grinds it underfoot. MARTHA (Cont.) Excuse me... I'm... Sister Marguerite eyes flick down at cigarette butt. Martha awkwardly tries to kick it away. MARTHA (Cont.) ...the court-appointed psychiatrist. Sister Marguerite gives a frosty imitation of a smile and motions for her to come in. MARTHA (Cont.) Thank you. I um... I believe your Mother Superior's expecting me. Martha and the Sister walk up the drive to the convent. 17 INT - WAITING ROOM - DAY Martha follows Sister Marguerite into a grilled waiting room. Sister moves off, leaving Martha looking around curiously. Then the MOTHER MIRIAM arrives from behind the grilled door, sees Martha, sighs exasperatedly and enters giving Martha a slight start. MOTHER SUPERIOR (beaming at her own little joke) Doctor Livingston I presume? I'm Mother Miriam Ruth. You needn't call Mother if you don't wish. (shaking hands) Most people find it uncomfortable. MARTHA Well... I... MOTHER MIRIAM (carrying right on) I'm afraid the word brings up the most unpleasant connatations in this day and age... MARTHA Yes... I... MOTHER MIRIAM You can call me Sister. MARTHA ... Thank you. MOTHER MIRIAM You must have tons of questions. You may smoke if you want to. Just don't tell any of the Sisters. Martha sits; Mother Miriam gets her a box of matches. MOTHER MIRIAM (Cont.) They wouldn't understand, especially Sister Marguerite. She'd scare the pants off Queen Elizabeth. (she lights Martha's cigarette) Besides, I miss them. MARTHA You were a smoker? MOTHER MIRIAM Two packs a day. MARTHA I can beat that. MOTHER MIRIAM Unfiltered. Martha inclines her head impressed. Mother Miriam sits down next to her. MOTHER MIRIAM (Cont.) Well, you have questions. (checks her watch) Fire away... MARTHA Who knew about Agnes' pregnancy? MOTHER MIRIAM No-one. MARTHA How did she hide it from the other nuns? MOTHER MIRIAM She undressed alone... she bathed alone. MARTHA Is that normal? MOTHER MIRIAM Yes. MARTHA How did she hide it during the day? MOTHER MIRIAM (indicating her habit) She could have hidden a machine gun in here if she had wanted to. MARTHA Didn't she have any physical examinations in this time? MOTHER MIRIAM We're examined once a year. Her pregnancy fell in between the doctor's visits. MARTHA Who was the father? MOTHER MIRIAM I haven't a clue. MARTHA What man had access to her? MOTHER MIRIAM None as far as I know. MARTHA Was there a priest? MOTHER MIRIAM Yes, but I... MARTHA What's his name? MOTHER MIRIAM Father Martineau, but I don't see him as a candidate. MARTHA Could there have been anyone else? MOTHER MIRIAM (a pause) Obviously there was. MARTHA And you didn't try to find out who? MOTHER MIRIAM (standing) Believe me, I've done everything possible short of asking Agnes. MARTHA Why haven't you asked her? Mother Miriam removes a tray from under a pot plant and brings it back to use as an ashtray. MOTHER MIRIAM (sitting again) She can't even remember the birth. Do you think she'd admit to the conception? MARTHA Look, someone gave her the baby. MOTHER MIRIAM Yes, but that was some ten months ago. I fail to see that the identity of that somebody has anything to do with this trial. MARTHA Why do you think that? MOTHER MIRIAM Don't ask me those questions dear, I'm not the patient. MARTHA Well I'm the doctor. I'm the one who's going to decide what is, or is not important here. MOTHER MIRIAM Look doctor, I don't know how to tell you this politely, but I don't approve of you. Not you personally... MARTHA The science of psychiatry. MOTHER MIRIAM (standing) Exactly. I want you do deal with Agnes as speedily and as easily as possible. She won't hold up under any sort of cross examination. MARTHA (also standing) I am not with the Inquisition. MOTHER MIRIAM And I am not from the Middle Ages. I know what you are! I don't want that mind cut open. Then Mother Miriam walks out. 18 INT - WAITING ROOM - DAY A little later, Martha is sitting alone smoking. SISTER ANNE enters and indicates that Martha should follow her. They exit out of the grilled room and head up a steep flight of wooden stairs. Faintly the voice of a single young woman can be heard singing in Latin. 19 INT - TOP CORRIDOR - DAY Martha follows Sister Anne down the hall towards the singing. They stop outside Agnes' room. Martha looks to see... 20 INT - AGNES' ROOM - DAY ... Agnes an almost childlike young woman singing happily, looking out the window. Then Agnes hears a slight sound and stops abruptly. She turns to see Martha standing in the doorway. MARTHA Hello. I'm Doctor Livingston. I've been asked to talk to you. May I? AGNES Yes. Martha moves further in the room. An ELDERLY NUN hovers outside the door. MARTHA You have a lovely voice. AGNES No I don't. MARTHA I just heard you. AGNES That wasn't me. MARTHA Was it Sister Marguerite? Agnes laughs and Martha closes the door, shutting out the old nun. MARTHA (Cont.) You're very pretty Agnes. AGNES No I'm not. MARTHA Hasn't anyone ever told you that before? AGNES Let's talk about something else. MARTHA What would you like to talk about. AGNES I don't know. MARTHA Anything... may I sit down? AGNES Yes. They both sit. MARTHA First thing that comes to your mind? AGNES God! But there's nothing to say about God. MARTHA Second thing that comes to your mind. AGNES Love. MARTHA Have you ever loved anyone? AGNES Yes. MARTHA Who? AGNES Everyone. MARTHA Well, who in particular? AGNES Right now? MARTHA Uh huh. AGNES I love you. MARTHA (a pause) Agnes, have you ever loved another man... other than, Jesus Christ? AGNES Yes. MARTHA Who? AGNES (chuckles) Oh, there are so many. MARTHA Well do you love... do you love Father Martineau? AGNES Oh, yes! MARTHA Do you think he loves you? AGNES Oh, I know he does. MARTHA He's told you? AGNES No. But... when I look into his eyes, I can tell. MARTHA You've been alone together? AGNES Yes. MARTHA Often? AGNES At least once a week. MARTHA And you like that? AGNES Oh, yes. MARTHA Where do you meet? AGNES (obviously) In the confessional. A slightly awkward pause. MARTHA Agnes, do ever see Father Martineau outside the... Agnes suddenly looks exasperated. AGNES You want to talk about the baby don't you? MARTHA Would you like to talk about it? AGNES I never saw any baby... I think they made it up. MARTHA Why should they? AGNES I don't know. MARTHA Do you remember the night they said it came? AGNES No. I was sick. MARTHA How were you sick? AGNES Something I ate. MARTHA Did it hurt? AGNES Yes. MARTHA Where? AGNES Down... there. MARTHA And what did you do? AGNES I went to my room. MARTHA And what happened? AGNES I got sicker. MARTHA And then what? AGNES I fell asleep. MARTHA In the middle of all the pain? AGNES Yes. MARTHA Where did the baby come from? AGNES What baby? MARTHA The baby they made up. AGNES From their heads... MARTHA Is that where they say it came from... ? AGNES No, they say it came from the waste paper basket! MARTHA Where'd it come from before that? AGNES From God. MARTHA After God... before the waste-paper basket. AGNES I... I don't understand. MARTHA Agnes, how are babies born? AGNES Don't you know? MARTHA Yes I do, but I want you to... AGNES (very agitated) I don't understand what you're talking about... you want to talk about the baby... everybody wants to talk about the baby but... I never saw the baby so I can't talk about the baby because... I don't believe in the baby. MARTHA Then let's talk about something else... AGNES (standing) No... no, I'm tired of talking, I've been talking for weeks, nobody believes me when I tell them anything... nobody listens to me. MARTHA (also standing) Agnes... AGNES (opens the door) No... no, I don't want to answer any more questions. MARTHA Would you like to ask them? AGNES (pausing in the doorway) What do you mean? MARTHA Just that... you ask and I'll answer. AGNES Anything? MARTHA (smiles) Anything. 21 INT - NUN'S ROOM - DAY The elderly nun looks out the window into the courtyard where Martha and Agnes are walking, then pulls the curtain across. 22 EXT - COURTYARD - DAY Martha and Agnes are walking together. Martha is smoking. AGNES What's your real name? MARTHA Martha Louise Livingston. AGNES Are you married? MARTHA No. AGNES Would you like to be? MARTHA Not at the moment, no. AGNES Do you have any children? MARTHA No. AGNES Would you like some? MARTHA I can't have them any more. AGNES Why not? MARTHA (a pause) I've stopped menstruating AGNES Why do you smoke? MARTHA Does it bother you? AGNES No questions. MARTHA Smoking is an obsession with me. Maybe one day I'll become obsessed with something else, then I'll stop smoking... Do you have any more questions? AGNES One. MARTHA What? They both halt. AGNES Where do you think babies come from? MARTHA From their mothers and fathers of course. Before that, I... I don't know. AGNES Well I think they come from... angel lights on their mothers chest and whispers into her ear. That makes good babies start to grow. And bad babies come from when a fallen angel squeezes in down there, and they start to grow, grow, till they come out down there. I don't know where good babies come out. And you can't tell the difference... except bad babies cry a lot... and they make their fathers go away... and their mothers get very ill... die sometimes. Agnes sits down on a bench and Martha follows her. AGNES (Cont.) Mummy wasn't very happy when she died ... and, I think she went to hell because every time I see her she looks like she just stepped out of a hot shower, and I... I'm never sure if it's her, or the Lady who tells me things! They fight over me all the time. (staring into space) The Lady... I saw when I was ten. I was lying on the grass, looking at the sun, and the sun became a cloud, and the cloud became, a Lady. And she told me she would talk to me. And then... her feet began to bleed and I saw there... there were holes in her hands and in her side. And I tried to catch the blood as it fell from the sky, but I couldn't see any more because my eyes hurt because there were big black spots in front of them. And she tells me things like, like... right now she's crying Marie! Marie! ... but I don't know what that means. Martha stands up, disturbed. Agnes is slightly delirious with happiness. AGNES (Cont.) ... and... she uses me to sing, it's as if she's throwing a big hook through the air and it catches me under my ribs and tries to pull me up, and I... I can't move because Mommy's holding my feet and all I can do is sing in her voice... it's the Lady's voice, God loves you! And her cry echoes all around and the doves fly out of the bell tower. AGNES (Cont.) (to Martha) God loves you. MARTHA Do you know a Marie? AGNES No... do you? MARTHA Why should I? AGNES I don't know. 23 INT - MOTHER MIRIAM'S STUDY - DAY Mother Miriam is standing checking some papers when Martha enters. Mother Miriam seems to have entirely regained her good humour. MOTHER MIRIAM Well... what do you think? Is she totally bananas or merely slightly off centre... or maybe she's perfectly sane and just a very good liar. MARTHA What's your opinion? MOTHER MIRIAM I believe Agnes is different. MARTHA From other nuns... (laughs) Yes I... I've noticed. MOTHER MIRIAM From other people! (moving across the room) I believe she is not crazy, nor is she lying. MARTHA How could she have a baby and know nothing of sex or birth? MOTHER MIRIAM Because she's an innocent. She's a slate that's hasn't been touched except by God. MARTHA (lights a cigarette) That's ridiculous... MOTHER MIRIAM (moves to her desk, starts writing) In her case it isn't. She's had very little schooling. Her mother kept her home almost all the time and when her mother died Agnes came here, to us. She's never been out there Doctor. She's never seen a movie or a television show. She's never even read a book. MARTHA If she's so innocent, how come she murdered a child? MOTHER MIRIAM She didn't! This is manslaughter, not murder. She didn't consciously kill that baby. She'd lost a lot of blood. She was unconscious by the time we got to her. MARTHA So, someone else could have done it. MOTHER MIRIAM No... not in the eyes of the police. MARTHA And in your eyes? MOTHER MIRIAM I've already told you what I thought. MARTHA That she was unconscious, yes! So someone easily could have come in the room and killed the... MOTHER MIRIAM You don't really believe something like that happened do you? MARTHA It's possible isn't it? MOTHER MIRIAM Who? MARTHA One of the other nuns found out about the baby and... and wanted to avoid a scandal. Mother Miriam removes the tray from under a pot plant and bangs it down in front of Martha to act as an ashtray. MOTHER MIRIAM That's absurd! MARTHA That possibility never occurred to you? MOTHER MIRIAM No-one knew about Agnes' pregnancy. No-one. Not even Agnes. 24 EXT - CONVENT - DAY Martha's car exits out of the convent and heads up the road. 25 INT - CAR - DAY The car radio is playing light band music... ANNOUNCER (V.O.) You have been listening to Mostly Music from Montreal. This is CBC Radio. (and again in French) Martha flicks the radio off and stops the car. She thinks for a moment then... 26 EXT - LONELY ROAD - DAY ... she turns the car around and heads back in the direction she came. 27 EXT - PRESBYTERY - DAY Martha drives in through an entrance and pulls up outside the presbytery. 28 INT - PRESBYTERY - DAY From inside the house, Martha can be seen knocking on the glass fronted door. Presently a huge, fat HOUSEKEEPER answers. MARTHA Is Father Martineau in please? HOUSEKEEPER (in French) ??? MARTHA (answers in French) ??? The housekeeper indicates she should enter and walks back inside. HOUSEKEEPER (halting briefly) Wipe your feet. They move into the next room. The housekeeper goes further calling... HOUSEKEEPER Pere Martineau... (in French) ??? Martha stands uncertainly at the doorway. The sound of thumping is heard, and then the figure of a very old priest, FATHER MARTINEAU appears walking with a stick. 29 INT - PRESBYTERY DINING ROOM - DAY Father Martineau and Martha are having tea. He pours a slug of whisky from a flask into her cup and an even larger slug into his own. FATHER MARTINEAU (French accent) They arise at five in the morning... and they're in bed by nine at night. Even if a man could get to them, he would probably find them praying. That's why I see that the real question is not only how he got in, but when. MARTHA And you're the only man to see them? FATHER MARTINEAU I promise you Doctor, even if I had the inclination, how could I possibly catch her? She would have to be a very slow and patient nun. (they both laugh) Ah no... they're a very special and rare people those Sisters. Only a few of them left in this modern world, consecrated to the praise of God. 30 INT - NURSING HOME, LOUNGE - DAY An elderly WOMAN is sitting watching "Spiderman" on TV cackling with laughter. She is physically alright, but quite senile. Martha enters, goes over to her and kisses her. MARTHA Hello, Mama (pulls up a chair) ... brought you something. MAMA Shut up, I'm trying to watch this. MARTHA It's your favourite... MAMA Who are you? MARTHA It's Martha, Mama. (hands over a tub of icecream) There you go. MAMA Marie brings me icecream too you know. Chocolate... my favourite. MARTHA I thought cherry-vanilla was your favourite. MAMA Not any more... now I like chocolate. MARTHA (stroking her hair) Did you have a good week Mama. Are they treating you all right? MAMA You know Martha never comes to see me. You watch it, she's going straight to hell... after all the things she said to me. Then she marries that son of a bitch of a Frenchman... has an abortion. I knew that one wouldn't work out. Not like you Marie. You got married to God. MARTHA (lighting up) Marie's dead Mama. MAMA I remember when you was a little girl Marie. You come back from the movies and you'd say - Mama that ending was so sad... and I'd tell you they had all the happy endings locked away in a vault in Hollywood. (chuckles) And you believed me. MARTHA Mama, that wasn't Marie, that was me! MAMA (a long pause) Who are you? MARTHA I... I'm Martha, Mama. 31 EXT - CONVENT, CHICKENYARD - DAY It is raining... distant thunder in the background. Martha is standing under an umbrella talking to Sister Anne who is feeding the chickens. SISTER ANNE The convent was built for over fifty. Not many of us left... just us and the chickens. MARTHA How do you survive? SISTER ANNE Oh, we own the land around here. But we rent it out. We keep a few acres for ourselves, (indicating) some wheat, corn, some vegetables. MARTHA Well that's a lot of land. You must have help. Do you have field hands that help you? SISTER ANNE No. We work the land alone. No-one but Sister Marguerite and I are permitted contact with the public. MARTHA Sister Anne, which was Agnes' room? Sister Anne points up to a window on the corner of the convent. SISTER ANNE Oh that one there, in the corner. MARTHA The one up on the third floor? SISTER ANNE Yes. MARTHA Uh huh. 32 INT - AGNES' OLD ROOM - DAY Mother Miriam unlocks a padlock on the door, opens it for Martha. They both enter the room which is totally plain, stripped of everything. MOTHER MIRIAM This convent is locked solid. The only one that has a key is Sister Marguerite and she wouldn't let Christ in after dark. MARTHA Well, it's been known to happen in the day too. Maybe Agnes went to him. MOTHER MIRIAM Oh come on, you've talked to her. She doesn't even know how babies are born, let alone made. MARTHA When did you first learn about her... innocence, the way she thinks? MOTHER MIRIAM Shortly after she came to us. MARTHA And you weren't shocked? MOTHER MIRIAM I was appalled, just as you are now. MARTHA And what happened? MOTHER MIRIAM She stopped eating completely... 33 INT - CHAPEL - DAY In flashback: Agnes, all in white is lying face down in the sign of the cross in front of the altar. Mother Miriam enters. MARTHA (V.O.) This was before her pregnancy? MOTHER MIRIAM (V.O.) About two years before. Mother Miriam stops in front of Agnes. MOTHER MIRIAM Agnes, it has come to my attention that you have stopped eating. Why is this? AGNES (not looking up) I've been commanded by God. MOTHER MIRIAM (sighs) He talked to you Himself? AGNES No. MOTHER MIRIAM Through someone else? AGNES Yes. MOTHER MIRIAM Who? AGNES I can't say. MOTHER MIRIAM Why? AGNES She'd punish me. MOTHER MIRIAM One of the other Sisters? AGNES No. MOTHER MIRIAM Who? Mother Miriam glances up at an older NUN who has been in the chapel watching all along. She takes the hint and hobbles out. MOTHER MIRIAM (Cont.) Why would she tell you to do this? ... Agnes look at me. AGNES (looking up) Because I'm getting fat. MOTHER MIRIAM Oh, for Heaven's sake. AGNES I am, there's too much flesh on me. MOTHER MIRIAM Agnes... AGNES I'm a blimp. MOTHER MIRIAM Why does it matter whether you're fat or not... AGNES Because... MOTHER MIRIAM ... You needn't worry about being attractive here. AGNES I do, I have to be attractive to God. MOTHER MIRIAM He loves you the way you are. AGNES No he doesn't. He hates fat people. MOTHER MIRIAM Who told you this? AGNES It's a sin to be fat. MOTHER MIRIAM Why? AGNES Look at the statues, they're thin. MOTHER MIRIAM Agnes... AGNES That's because they're suffering... suffering is beautiful, I want to be beautiful. MOTHER MIRIAM Who tells you these things? AGNES Christ said it in the Bible, he said - suffer the little children, I want to suffer like a little child. MOTHER MIRIAM (genuinely distressed) That's not what he meant. AGNES I... I am a little child but my body keeps getting bigger and soon I... I won't be able to fit in, I... I won't be able to squeeze into Heaven. MOTHER MIRIAM Agnes dear, Heaven is not a place where... Agnes gets to her knees and pushes up her breasts. AGNES No... I mean... I mean look at these. I've got to lose weight, I'm a blimp. MOTHER MIRIAM Oh my dear child. AGNES (standing) God blew up the Hindenburg. He'll blow me up, that's what she said... MOTHER MIRIAM Who? AGNES Mommy I'll get bigger and bigger every day and then I'll pop but... but if I stay little it won't happen. MOTHER MIRIAM Your mother tells you this?... Agnes your mother is dead. AGNES But she watches... she listens. MOTHER MIRIAM Nonsense, I'm your mother now and I want you to eat. AGNES I'm not hungry. MOTHER MIRIAM You've got to eat something Agnes. AGNES No I don't... the host is enough. MOTHER MIRIAM My dear, I don't think a communion wafer has the recommended daily allowance of anything. AGNES Of God. MOTHER MIRIAM (smiles) Yes, of God. Then Mother Miriam looks down and is shocked to see Agnes' white habit is spotted with blood, and more blood is dripping onto the floor. She pulls out Agnes' hand from her habit and gasps with shock; there is a bleeding hole in the middle of her palm. AGNES I'm being punished. MOTHER MIRIAM Why? AGNES I don't know. MOTHER MIRIAM Dear Jesus... She quickly leads Agnes out of the chapel. AGNES It started this morning and I can't get it to stop. 34 INT - AGNES' OLD ROOM - DAY Back in the present, as before... MARTHA Why didn't you take her to a doctor? MOTHER MIRIAM It was healed by the following morning and she started eating again... MARTHA She had a... a hole in the palm of her hand! She could have bled to death. MOTHER MIRIAM But she didn't... did she. If anyone had seen what I'd seen she'd be public property... newspapermen, psychiatrists, ridicule. She doesn't deserve that. MARTHA She has it now. MOTHER MIRIAM I know what you're thinking, she's a hysteric pure and simple. MARTHA Not simple, no. MOTHER MIRIAM I saw it. Clean through the palm of her hand. Do you think hysteria could do that? MARTHA It's being doing it for centuries. She's not unique, she's just another victim. MOTHER MIRIAM God's victim. That's her innocence. She belongs to God. MARTHA And I intend to take her away from Him. That's what you're afraid of isn't it? Martha walks out. Mother Miriam yanks the padlock out of the door. MOTHER MIRIAM You bet I am. 35 INT - CHAPEL - DAY All the Sisters are present. Mother Miriam leads the chant in Latin and the rest of the nuns respond at intervals. Agnes is very happy. Their singing continues over, until the end of scene 41. DISSOLVE TO: 36 EXT - POLICE PRECINCT - DAY Martha and Larry are at the top of steps. He hands her an envelope. LARRY Here you are. Don't let anyone know where you got them. MARTHA (kissing him) Thanks... DISSOLVE TO: 37 EXT - CONVENT - DAY Agnes is happily swinging on a long swing attached to a tree. DISSOLVE TO: 38 INT - CRYPT - DAY The Sisters go about their tasks. Then all together they move to a corner of the room which is laid out with burning candles and make their devotions. DISSOLVE TO: 39 INT - CONFESSIONAL - DAY Agnes is confessing to a rather disinterested Father Martineau. AGNES Last Tuesday, I didn't eat all of my lima beans... hid them under my spoon. FATHER MARTINEAU Yes... AGNES (very quietly) I thought... thoughts... about... FATHER MARTINEAU Speak up, I can hardly hear you. AGNES (very loudly) I thought ugly thoughts about Sister Marguerite. DISSOLVE TO: 40 INT - MARTHA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Martha is leafing through a sheaf of police photographs of the sheets and the waste-paper basket. She puts the photos aside and puffs thoughtfully on a cigarette. DISSOLVE TO: 41 EXT - CONVENT FARM - DAY Agnes is milking the cow. She pours the milk into a large churn. (The singing finishes at this point). 42 INT - JUDGE'S OFFICE - DAY The same four are in a meeting. This time they are all sitting except for Lyon who is standing by the window. LEVEAU Would you tell me why the hell this is taking so long. MARTHA Look there are a lot of unanswered questions here. LYON Martha, your job is to diagnose, not to heal and play detective. Who do you think you are? MARTHA I know my job. Don't tell me my job Lyon. My duty as a doctor is to... EVE Martha, you have to make a decision on her sanity as quickly as possible and not interfere with due process of law. MARTHA No... no, excuse me Eve. As quickly as I see fit. EVE The longer you take to make a decision, the more difficult it will be for us. MARTHA Why? EVE The bishop is breathing down our necks. MARTHA And the sooner she goes to prison, the better off she'll be? LEVEAU (in French) ??? MARTHA I don't believe this. I don't bloody believe this. LYON Well the bishop will be very upset about this. MARTHA I'm fighting for this woman's life, not some bloody bishop. 43 EXT - CONVENT GRAVEYARD - DAY It is a strange place; all the crosses are identical and very simple. Martha is standing. Agnes is kneeling in front of a cross marked with the name "Soeur Marie Paul" and the dates she was born, consecrated and died. Agnes places some winter flowers on the grave. MARTHA You liked Sister Paul? AGNES She was kind to me. She told me I was beautiful. MARTHA (crouching down) What else did she tell you? AGNES She said all of God's angels would want to sleep beside me if they could. I liked that. Agnes makes the sign of the cross, they both stand and start to move off. AGNES (Cont.) She lived here for almost seventy years. Every day she'd ring the bell, wake us up, call us to God. She took me to my secret place. MARTHA Where's that?... I promise I won't tell, would you take me? So Agnes takes her. 44 INT - BELL TOWER - DAY Martha and Agnes enter the bell-tower. Agnes leads the way up the steep wooden steps. Martha becomes breathless almost immediately. MARTHA Sister Paul was in her eighties? Did she climb up here often? AGNES No, only when she felt like it. She brought me up here last winter and the next day she died. MARTHA (halting, out of breath) No wonder... wait... Agnes... Agnes how do you feel about babies? AGNES Oh, they frighten me, I'm afraid I'll drop them. They have a soft spot on their heads and if you drop them so they land on their heads they become stupid. I was dropped on my head, that's why I don't understand things. MARTHA Like what? AGNES (climbing again) Numbers... you can spend your whole life counting and never reach the end. MARTHA (following her) I don't understand them either. Do you suppose I was dropped on my head? AGNES I hope not. It's a terrible thing to be dropped on your head. MARTHA Oh, I've got to give up smoking. Agnes ... wait a minute... Agnes slow down. 45 EXT - TOP OF BELLTOWER - DAY Agnes climbs up through the trapdoor to the bell platform. AGNES She said you could see the whole world from up here. But it looks much better far away than it looks close up. Martha arrives exhausted. MARTHA Beautiful... Agnes lies down under the bell. AGNES And sometimes I get under here... it makes a wonderful sound. She starts to sing in a beautiful voice and the sound rings in the bell. MARTHA What happens if the bell rings and you're under there? AGNES Oh, it's even more wonderful then. Agnes sings a little more. MARTHA It's like hiding from my mother when I was a little girl. AGNES Where did you go? MARTHA Oh, no place as wonderful as this. Agnes... have you ever thought of leaving the convent for something else? AGNES No. There is nothing else. Just being here at night helps me sleep. MARTHA You have trouble sleeping? AGNES I get headaches. Mommy did too... oh, but she wasn't stupid. She knew things that nobody else knew. MARTHA What things? AGNES She knew what was going to happen to me. That's why she hid me away. MARTHA How did she know that? AGNES Somebody told her. MARTHA Who? AGNES I don't know. MARTHA Agnes... AGNES You'll laugh. MARTHA I promise I won't laugh. Who told her? AGNES An angel, when she was having one of her headaches. MARTHA Did your mother see angels often? AGNES No. MARTHA Do you? AGNES No. MARTHA Do you believe she really saw them? AGNES (sitting up) No, but I can never tell her that. MARTHA Why not? (no answer) Mmm? AGNES She'd get angry. Martha moves round close to Agnes. MARTHA Agnes, did you love your mother? AGNES Yes. MARTHA Did you ever want to be a mother yourself? AGNES I could never be a mother. MARTHA Why not? AGNES Well I don't think I'm old enough and besides I don't want to have a baby. MARTHA Why not? AGNES Because I don't want one. MARTHA If you did want one, how'd you go about getting one? AGNES From someone who didn't want to have a baby. MARTHA Like you? AGNES (suddenly frustrated) No, not like me! MARTHA How would that person get one if they didn't want one? AGNES (jumping to her feet) A mistake... MARTHA Agnes, how did your mother get you? AGNES A mistake... it was a mistake... MARTHA Is that what she said? AGNES (very upset) If you're trying to get me to say that she was a bad woman and hated me and didn't want me but that's not true, she was a good woman, a saint... (distorted) MARTHA Agnes, I don't believe you know nothing about sex... AGNES I can't help it if I'm stupid. MARTHA ... that you don't remember getting pregnant... AGNES Not my fault. MARTHA ... and that you don't believe you carried a child. AGNES I was a mistake. MARTHA What the child? AGNES Everything... I don't have children. MARTHA Agnes... Martha puts her arm out to Agnes who slaps it away. AGNES Don't touch me like that! You don't touch me like that, I know what you want from me, you want to take God away. You should be ashamed, they should lock you up people like you. Agnes disappears down through the trapdoor. Martha throws her cigarette away. 46 INT - CONVENT - DAY Mother Miriam is comforting a tearful Agnes. She sees Martha coming across the courtyard and pushes Agnes gently away. MOTHER MIRIAM You hate us don't you? MARTHA What? MOTHER MIRIAM Nuns... you hate nuns. MARTHA I hate ignorance and stupidity. MOTHER MIRIAM The Catholic Church... MARTHA I haven't said anything against the the Catholic Church. MOTHER MIRIAM Catholicism is not on trial here. I want you to deal with Agnes without any religious prejudice or you turn this case over to someone else... MARTHA How dare you tell me to run my affairs! Mother Miriam starts to walk away, Martha angrily follows her. MOTHER MIRIAM It's my affair too. MARTHA How dare you think I'm in a position to be pressured... MOTHER MIRIAM I'm only interested... MARTHA ... or bullied or what ever you're doing. Who the hell do you think you are? You go around here expecting applause for the way you treated this child. Martha and Mother Miriam are climbing the stairs. They pause briefly. MOTHER MIRIAM She is not a child. MARTHA And she has a right to know that there's a world out there filled with people who don't believe in God... (Mother Miriams walks on) ... and aren't any worse off than you Mother. People who've gone through their entire lives without bending their knees once, to anybody. And people who fall in love and have babies and occas- sionally are very happy. She has a right to know that. But you and your... your order and your Church have kept her ignorant... They reach Mother Miriam's study. MOTHER MIRIAM ??? (distorted) MARTHA ??? (distorted) ... virginity, right Mother? Poverty, chastity and ignorance is what you live by. MOTHER MIRIAM I am not a virgin, Doctor. I was married for twenty three years, two daughters. I even have grandchildren... surprised? It might please you to know that I was a failure as a wife and mother. My children won't even see me any more, that's their revenge. I think they tell their friends that I've passed on. And don't tell me I'm making up for past mistakes Doctor Freud. (she sits) MARTHA Then help her. MOTHER MIRIAM I am... MARTHA No, you're shielding her. Let her face the world. MOTHER MIRIAM What good would it do. No matter what you decide it's either the... the prison or the nut house and the differences between them are pretty thin. MARTHA There's another choice. MOTHER MIRIAM What? MARTHA Aquittal. MOTHER MIRIAM How? MARTHA Innocence. Legal innocence. I know the judge would be happy for any reason to throw this case out of court. A long pause. The tension between them dissolves. MOTHER MIRIAM All right, what do you need. MARTHA Answers. Martha holds her hand. 47 INT - MOTHER MIRIAM'S STUDY - DAY Same place, but a little later. Martha is smoking. MARTHA When would Agnes have conceived the child? MOTHER MIRIAM Oh, some time in January. MARTHA Do you remember anything unusual happening at the time? MOTHER MIRIAM Earthquakes? MARTHA Visitors to the convent. MOTHER MIRIAM Nothing. MARTHA Do you have a... a diary or a day book? MOTHER MIRIAM Yes. MARTHA Take at look at it. Mother Miriam moves to her desk and opens the day book. MOTHER MIRIAM There's nothing here. MARTHA Was the child full term? MOTHER MIRIAM (reads through the book) Oh, Dear God... MARTHA What is it? MOTHER MIRIAM The sheets... MARTHA What sheets? MOTHER MIRIAM Oh, Dear God, I should have guessed... 48 INT - CONVENT DINING ROOM - NIGHT In flashback: the sisters are sitting around the table at dinner. SISTER GENEVIEVE, the other novice is serving them. Mother Miriam folds up a linen towel. MOTHER MIRIAM (V.O.) ... I should have suspected something. In flashback, Mother Miriam addresses Agnes. MOTHER MIRIAM Sister Marguerite says you have been sleeping on a bare mattress Sister. Is that true? AGNES Yes Mother. MOTHER MIRIAM Why? AGNES In the medieval days the nuns and monks would sleep in their own coffins. Sister Marguerite gives a snort of derision. Mother Miriam glances sharply at her, then turns back to Agnes. MOTHER MIRIAM We're not in the Middle Ages, Sister. AGNES It made them holy. MOTHER MIRIAM It made them uncomfortable. And if they didn't sleep well I'm certain the next day they were cranky as mules. Sister where are your sheets? (no answer) Do you really believe that sleeping on a bare mattress is the equivalent of sleeping in a coffin? AGNES No. MOTHER MIRIAM Then tell me. Where are your sheets? AGNES I burnt them. MOTHER MIRIAM Why? AGNES (a long pause) They were stained. MOTHER MIRIAM How many times have I burned into your thick skull and the thick skull of your fellow novice, that menstruation is a perfectly natural process and nothing to be ashamed of. AGNES Yes, Mother. MOTHER MIRIAM Say it! AGNES and GENEVIEVE It is a perfectly natural process and nothing to be ashamed of. MOTHER MIRIAM Mean it! The two girls start to repeat it but Agnes starts to cry and Genevieve falters into silence. Mother Miriam goes on more kindly. MOTHER MIRIAM A few years ago one of the Sisters came to me in tears, asking for comfort, comfort because she was too old to have any children. Not that she wanted to, but once a month she had been reminded of that possibility. AGNES It's not that... it's not that... MOTHER MIRIAM What do you mean? AGNES It's not my time of month. MOTHER MIRIAM Should you see a doctor? AGNES I don't know. I don't know what happened Mother, I woke up... there was blood on the sheets, but I don't know what happened. (starts to weep) I don't know what I did wrong, I don't know and I should be punished. MOTHER MIRIAM For what? AGNES I don't know... I don't know... MOTHER MIRIAM (V.O.) That was the beginning, the night of the conception. That's why she burnt the sheets. 49 INT - SICKROOM - NIGHT Still in flashback, Mother Miriam enters the room where SISTER PAUL lies dying. Father Martineau is there and many of the other nuns singing hymns. MARTHA (V.O.) When was that? MOTHER MIRIAM (V.O.) The twenty third of January. On that night one of our elder nuns passed away. MARTHA (V.O.) Sister Paul? MOTHER MIRIAM (V.O.) Yes. I don't remember where Agnes was. I was needed in the sick room. Father Martineau annoints the old woman. Then Agnes quietly slips in unobserved. Sister Paul rallies for a moment, tries to say a single silent word to her. The smile slips from Agnes' face. Then Sister Paul lies back and dies. 50 INT - CATHEDRAL - DAY Martha and the MONSIGNOR are walking through the church talking. He is quite young and has a rather abrasive manner. (beginning missed) MARTHA No. MONSIGNOR Well you're probably right about that. It certainly can't help Sister Agnes to have this investigation continued for any length of time. MARTHA Why do you call it an investigation? I never have. MONSIGNOR Your mother was a resident of Saint Catherines home before you moved her. MARTHA What does this have to do with..? MONSIGNOR And you had a sister who died in the convent. MARTHA Who told you this? MONSIGNOR Do you still go to church? MARTHA What business is it of yours..? MONSIGNOR Oh, we just wonder if you can be very objective about this case. MARTHA Look, Father, ah... just because I don't subscribe to the... to the beliefs you subscribe to... MONSIGNOR (halting) But what you believe makes no difference to us whatsoever Doctor. But it does make all the difference to Agnes. MARTHA I don't understand. Are you expecting me to..? MONSIGNOR Well somone's got to suffer for this Doctor. You've got to be merciful and quick. Excuse me. Martha stares at him as he walks away. 51 EXT - CONVENT - DAY A single shot of the back of the convent and the belltower. The bell is ringing. 52 INT - BELLTOWER - DAY Mother Miriam is ringing the bell and it takes quite a considerable effort. 53 EXT - CONVENT FARMYARD - DAY Agnes has a wheelbarrow full of straw and manure. She dumps it on a pile. 54 INT - COWSHED - DAY Martha is watching Agnes milking a cow. MARTHA Agnes, I'm here because I want to help you. AGNES I'm not sick. MARTHA But you're troubled... aren't you? AGNES That's because you keep reminding me. If you go away then I'll forget. MARTHA And you're unhappy. AGNES Everyone's unhappy, you're unhappy aren't you? MARTHA Agnes... AGNES Answer me! You never answer me. MARTHA Sometimes, yes. AGNES Only you think you're lucky because you didn't have a mother who said things to you and did things to you that maybe weren't always nice but that was because of me, because I was bad, not her. Agnes carries the milk pail round to the churn. MARTHA What did you do? AGNES I'm always bad. MARTHA What did you do? AGNES I breathed! Agnes falls to her knees. Martha moves round and kneels in front of her. MARTHA Agnes. What did your mother do to you? (no answer) If you can't answer me, just shake your head yes or no. Did... did she hit you? (Anges shakes her head: no) Did she make you do something you didn't want to? (yes) Did it make you feel uncomfortable to do it? (yes) Did it embarrass you? (yes) Did it... did it hurt you? (yes) What did she make you you do? AGNES No... MARTHA You can tell me. AGNES I can't. MARTHA She's dead isn't she? AGNES Yes. MARTHA She can't hurt you any more. AGNES She can. MARTHA How? AGNES She watches... she listens. MARTHA Agnes, I don't believe that. Tell me. I'll protect you from her. AGNES She... MARTHA Yes? AGNES ... makes me... MARTHA Yes? AGNES ... take off my clothes and then... she makes fun of me. MARTHA She tells you you're ugly? AGNES Yes. MARTHA And that you're stupid? AGNES Yes. MARTHA That you're a mistake? AGNES She says my whole body's a mistake. MARTHA Why? AGNES Because she says if I don't watch out I'll have a baby. MARTHA How does she know that? AGNES Her headaches. MARTHA Oh, yes. AGNES And then... MARTHA What? AGNES She touches me down there with a cigarette. (Martha gasps) Please Mommy, don't touch me like that any more. I'll be good, I won't be a baby any more. MARTHA Agnes, oh Agnes, Agnes I want you to do something. I want you to pretend that I'm your mother. Oh yes, only this time I want you to tell me what you're feeling, alright? AGNES I'm afraid. MARTHA Please! I want to help you. Let me help you. AGNES Alright. MARTHA Agnes, you're ugly!... what do you say? Of course you do. Agnes, you're ugly!... what do you say? AGNES No I'm not. MARTHA Are you pretty? AGNES Yes. MARTHA Agnes, you're stupid. AGNES No I'm not. MARTHA Are you intelligent? AGNES (more forcefully) Yes I am. MARTHA You're a mistake. AGNES (shouting) I'm not mistake, I'm here aren't I. How can I be a mistake if I'm really here. God doesn't make mistakes, you're a mistake... Agnes is half shouting , half crying. Martha holds on to her. MARTHA Oh Agnes, oh Agnes, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright, I love you. AGNES Do you really love me or are you just saying that? MARTHA I really love you. AGNES As much as Mother Miriam does? MARTHA As much as God loves you. 55 INT - AGNES' OLD ROOM - DAY Martha is in there by herself smoking. The elderly nun appears at the door. ELDERLY NUN I've been watching. We were fine 'till she came. She brought the devil here. (makes the sign of the cross) There was blood on her hand that night. MARTHA Agnes? (the nun shakes her head) Who? Mother Superior? ELDERLY NUN (in French) ??? MARTHA What? ELDERLY NUN Look into the convent records. MARTHA Sister... But the nun has gone, walking quickly away down the corridor. 56 INT - RECORD ROOM - DAY Sister (?) enters to find Martha going through a cabinet. MARTHA (slightly guiltily) Oh, Good afternoon Sister, I... I'm looking for some biographical data on Sister Agnes, and Mother said I might find it here. The Sister smiles, goes to another cabinet, extracts a file and hands it to her. MARTHA Thank you. The Sister nods and without a word leaves the room. Martha waits until she has gone, then opens the cabinet and pulls out another file. Glancing at the door, she compares the two files. They both have the same surname Burchetti. The the door opens and Mother Miriam is standing there. MARTHA You lied to me MOTHER MIRIAM About what? MARTHA (brandishing the files) Your niece! MOTHER MIRIAM I didn't tell you because I didn't think it was important. MARTHA No, it just makes you doubly responsible doesn't it? MOTHER MIRIAM I never saw Agnes until she set foot in this convent. My sister ran away from home. We lost touch with her. And when my husband died and I came here, she wrote to me and asked me if I would take care of Agnes in case anything happened. MARTHA And Agnes' father? Mother Miriam turns out of the room. Martha goes after her. MOTHER MIRIAM It could have been any one of a dozen men from what my sister told me. 57 INT - CORRIDOR - DAY Continuing, just outside the record room. MOTHER MIRIAM (Cont.) She was afraid that Agnes would follow in her footsteps. She did everything she could to prevent it. MARTHA Like keeping her home from school? MOTHER MIRIAM Yes. MARTHA Listening to angels? MOTHER MIRIAM She drank too much. That's what killed her. MARTHA Do you know what she did to her? MOTHER MIRIAM I don't think I care to know. MARTHA She molested her! MOTHER MIRIAM Oh, dear God. MARTHA There is more here than meets the eye isn't there? Lots of dirty little secrets. MOTHER MIRIAM (crying) Oh God, if only I'd known. MARTHA Why didn't you? You knew she was keeping her home from school. You knew she was an alcoholic. MOTHER MIRIAM I knew that after the fact. MARTHA Why didn't you do anything to stop her? MOTHER MIRIAM Because I didn't know... (she leaves) MARTHA Oh, God. DISSOLVE TO: 58 INT - POLICE STATION, LARRY'S OFFICE - DAY Larry is interviewing a young PROSTITUTE in French. Martha appears at the door. MARTHA Larry... LARRY Marty, what are you doing here? MARTHA Larry there's got to be something missing. LARRY I gave you the pictures Marty, what else do you want? MARTHA Something they... that they overlooked. LARRY What? You think that the girl is innocent? MARTHA I don't know. LARRY You got to be crazy. Larry pulls out a pack of cigarettes, gives one to Martha and to the prostitute. MARTHA Larry... LARRY What's the matter with you, you've seen the reports. It's a cut and dried case. MARTHA Maybe there's something that's not in the report that should be. LARRY You're too involved Marty. (lights her cigarette) Jesus look at you. Why don't you turn this case over to someone else? Larry lights his own cigarette and comes over to Martha. LARRY (Cont.) I'll ask around, see what I come up with. In the meantime you go home and get some sleep. MARTHA Thanks. (she leaves) LARRY (calling after her) If I find anything I'll call you. 59 INT - MARTHA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Martha takes off her coat, moves across the room turning on lights. She flicks the answerphone on. Her cat meows. SECRETARY (V.O.) Hi Marty, it's Helen. Mrs Davenport called and was very upset that you'd missed her appointment. She wants you to call her at home, oh and a couple of reporters have been trying to get a hold of you about Sister Agnes. They seem persistent and they may try to reach you at home. I didn't give them number. Some whirs and beeps. Martha goes into the bathroom. REPORTER (V.O.) (French accent) Hallo, Doctor Livingston. My name is (?). I'm doing a Sunday article on Sister Agnes for the Gazette. I would appreciate it if you would give me a phone call on 942-2424. More beeps and whirs. Martha starts to undress. LARRY (V.O.) Hi Marty, it's me. Listen I just talked with Detective Crawley who was at the convent. She said that there was one thing that bothered her that didn't make it into the report. The waste paper basket. The one in Agnes' room. (Martha freezes in the middle of lighting up) None of the other nuns had one. Bye. Martha rushes over to the answerphone and rewinds it. LARRY (V.O.) ... her that didn't make it into the report. The waste paper basket. The one in Agnes' room. None of the other nuns had one. Bye. Martha looks thoughtful and flicks off the desk lamp. 60 INT - CONVENT CHAPEL - DAY Father Martineau is saying Mass. All the sisters are there singing together. Father Martineau places the host in the sconce, incences it and raises it up. Close on individual nuns at prayer including Agnes. DISSOLVE TO: 61 INT - BARN - DAY Mother Miriam is kneeling in the doorway of the barn, praying when Martha enters. Mother Miriam pauses. MARTHA I've gotten the court's permission to hypnotise her. Mother Miriam makes the sign of the cross and stands up. MOTHER MIRIAM And my permission? MARTHA I'd like yours too. Mother Miriam grabs a bucket and moves across the barn. Martha follows her. MOTHER MIRIAM We'll see about that. MARTHA Don't deny it! MOTHER MIRIAM I haven't decided yet. MARTHA The woman's health is at stake. MOTHER MIRIAM Her spiritual health. MARTHA I don't give a damn about her spiritual health. MOTHER MIRIAM I know you don't. Mother Miriam starts shovelling grain into the bucket. MARTHA Sentence her and be done with it, that's what you're saying and I... MOTHER MIRIAM I am saying (distorted) a beautifully simple woman... MARTHA An unhappy woman... MOTHER MIRIAM She's happy with us and she could go on being happy if she was left alone. MARTHA Then why did you call the police in the first place Mother, huh? MARTHA (cont.) Why didn't you just throw the baby into the incinerator and be done with it. MOTHER MIRIAM Because I am a moral person. MARTHA Bullshit! MOTHER MIRIAM Bullshit yourself! MARTHA Catholic Church doesn't have a corner on morality... MOTHER MIRIAM Who said anything about the Catholic Church... MARTHA You just said... MOTHER MIRIAM What the hell has the Catholic Church got to do with you? MARTHA Nothing... MOTHER MIRIAM What have we done to hurt you? And don't deny it, I can smell an ex-Catholic a mile away. What did we do? Burn a few heretics, sell some indulgences? That was in the days when the Church was a ruling body. We let governments do those things today. So what did we do to you eh? You wanted to neck in the back seat of a car when you were fifteen and you couldn't because it was a sin? This time it is Martha who walks away and Mother Miriam who follows her. MOTHER MIRIAM (Cont.) So instead of questioning that one rule... MARTHA (halting) It wasn't sex. It was a lot of things, but it wasn't sex. You know when I was in the first grade my best friend was run over on the way to school, you know what the nun said? She died because she hadn't said her morning prayers. MOTHER MIRIAM Stupid woman... and that's all? MARTHA That's all? That's enough! She was a beautiful little girl. MOTHER MIRIAM And what has that to do with it? MARTHA I wasn't. I wasn't. She was the pretty one. She died, why not me? I never said my morning prayers. And I was ugly, I was scrawny, I had buck teeth and freckles all over my face, do you know what the nun called me, Sister Mary Clitus, called me Polkadot Livingston. MOTHER MIRIAM So you left the Church because you had freckles? MARTHA No, because I... yeah, yeah I left the Church cause I had freckles. They both cannot help laughing at this absurdity. 62 EXT - COURTYARD - DAY A couple of nuns walk across the courtyard. Another is meditating alone. On a bench a nun kisses a dove and lets it fly away. 63 EXT - GAZEBO - DAY It is out the back of the convent near the belltower. Mother Miriam and Martha are sitting there talking. Martha is smoking. MOTHER MIRIAM When I was a child I used to hear my guardian angel. She sang to me 'till I was six years old. That's when I stopped listening. But I remember the voice. A few years ago I looked at myself and saw nothing but a nun who was certain of nothing. Not even of Heaven. Not even of God. And then one evening I saw Agnes standing by her window, singing. And all my doubts about myself and God were gone, in that one moment. I recognized the voice. Please don't take it away from me again Doctor Livingston. Those years after six were very bleak. MARTHA My sister died in a convent. And it's her voice I hear. (a long pause) Does my smoking bother you? MOTHER MIRIAM No, it reminds me. MARTHA Would you like one? Huh? MOTHER MIRIAM I'd love one. Martha hands her a cigarette and lights it for her. Mother Miriam coughs a lot. Martha pats her on the back. MOTHER MIRIAM I'm out of prac... (cough) ... practice. (cough) MARTHA All right? MOTHER MIRIAM Fine thanks... MARTHA Do you suppose the saints would have smoked if tobacco had been popular back then? MOTHER MIRIAM Undoubtedly. Not the ascetics of course but, well Saint Thomas More... MARTHA (chuckles) Long, thin and filtered. MOTHER MIRIAM Saint Ignatius would smoke cigars and stub them out on the soles of his bare feet. (they roar with laughter) And of course (distorted) MARTHA Hand rolled. MOTHER MIRIAM Even Christ would partake socially. MARTHA Saint Peter? MOTHER MIRIAM Pipe! MARTHA Right... MOTHER MIRIAM Mary Magdelen? MARTHA (imitating) Oh, you've come a long way baby. MOTHER MIRIAM And Saint John would chew tobacco. More laughter, then the moment because more serious. MARTHA Right. (a pause) What do you suppose today's saints are smoking? MOTHER MIRIAM There are no saints today. Good people yes, but extraordinarily good people... those I'm afraid we are sorely lacking. MARTHA Do you think they ever existed? MOTHER MIRIAM Yes I do. MARTHA Do you want to become one? MOTHER MIRIAM Become? One is born a saint. MARTHA Well you can try, can't you, to be good? MOTHER MIRIAM Yes, but goodness has very little to do with it. Not all the saints were good, in fact some of them were a little crazy. But... they were still attached to God. Agnes has that birth. (she stands) No more... we're born, we live, we die. No room for miracles. (Martha gets up too) Oh my dear, how I miss the miracles. They start walking back to the convent. MARTHA Do you think Agnes is still attached to God? MOTHER MIRIAM Listen to her singing. MARTHA (a pause) I'd like to begin. MOTHER MIRIAM Begin what? MARTHA The hypnotism. Do you still disapprove? MOTHER MIRIAM Would it stop you if I did? MARTHA No. They both halt. MOTHER MIRIAM May I be present? MARTHA Of course. MOTHER MIRIAM Then let's begin. 64 INT - ATTIC ROOM - DAY The room is painted white and completely empty with a steeply sloping ceiling. Agnes is sitting on a chair with her eyes closed, already under hypnosis. Martha and Mother Miriam are facing her. MARTHA You're listening to a chorus of angels. The music surrounds you like a... warm and, comfortable pool of water. And while you're sleeping, you're going to be able to recall, all the things that we want you to remember. And when I count to three and clap my hands, you'll no longer be hypnotised. Can you hear me. AGNES Yes. MARTHA Who am I? AGNES Doctor Livingston. MARTHA And why am I here? AGNES To help me. MARTHA Good. Would you like to tell me why you're here? AGNES Because I'm in trouble. MARTHA What kind of trouble? (no answer) What kind of trouble Agnes? Martha starts to walk around behind Agnes. AGNES I'm frightened. MARTHA Of what? AGNES Of telling you. MARTHA But it's easy. It's just a breath with sound. Say it. What kind of trouble? AGNES (a pause) I had a baby. Both Martha and Mother Miriam react with some degree of relief. MARTHA How did you have a baby? AGNES It came out of me. MARTHA Did you know what was going to come out? AGNES Yes. MARTHA Did you want it to come out? AGNES No. MARTHA Why? AGNES Because I was afraid. MARTHA Why were you afraid? AGNES Because I wasn't worthy. MARTHA To be a mother? AGNES Yes. MARTHA Why? AGNES May I open my eyes now? MARTHA No not yet Agnes, very soon but not yet. How did the baby get into you? AGNES It grew. MARTHA What made it grow? Do you know? AGNES Yes. MARTHA Would you like to tell me? AGNES No. MARTHA Did anyone else know about the baby? AGNES I can't tell you that. MARTHA Will she be angry? AGNES She made me promise not to. MARTHA Who? Who made you promise? (no answer) It's alright Agnes. It's alright. (a pause) Let's go to your room. It's the night about six weeks ago when you were very sick. AGNES I'm afraid. MARTHA Oh don't be, I'm here. It's alright. I want you to tell me what you did before you went to bed. AGNES I ate. MARTHA Hm hmm. What did you have for dinner? AGNES Fish... (distastefully) ... brussel sprouts. MARTHA You don't like brussel sprouts? AGNES I hate them. Martha and Mother Miriam can't help smiling. MARTHA And then what happened? AGNES We went to chapel for vespers. MARTHA Hm hmm. AGNES I left early because I wasn't feeling very well. Suddenly Agnes leaps up from her chair. MARTHA What is it? AGNES Someone's following me. MARTHA Who? AGNES Sister Marguerite I think. MARTHA Was it Sister Marguerite who knew about the baby? (no answer) Alright Agnes, I want you to see your room as you saw it on that night. MARTHA (Cont.) Open your eyes. (she opens them) What do you see? AGNES My bed. MARTHA What else? AGNES A crucifix. MARTHA Above the bed? Any... anything else? What do you you see, something different? What is it? AGNES (puzzled) A wastepaper basket. MARTHA Do you know who put it there? AGNES No. MARTHA What do you think it's there for? AGNES For me to get sick in. MARTHA Are you ill? AGNES Yes. MARTHA What do you feel? AGNES I feel as if I've eaten glass. MARTHA What do you do? AGNES I have to throw up... And she falls to her knees, retching horribly. AGNES (Cont.) I can't... glass... one of the sisters has fed me glass. MARTHA Which one? AGNES I don't know which one (distorted) MARTHA Of what? AGNES Of me. Oh... God! My God... (assumes the birth position and looks between her legs) Water... it's all water... MARTHA Why isn't anyone coming? AGNES (trying to wipe up the water) They can't hear me that's why. (in terrible pain) Oh God... I don't wanna... MOTHER MIRIAM (to Martha) Stop her! Then Agnes tries to crawl away as though terrified of something. MARTHA What is it? AGNES Please get away from me... MARTHA Who? AGNES Go away, I don't want you here. MARTHA Is someone in the room with you? AGNES No... don't hit me please... MOTHER MIRIAM Stop this, she'll hurt herself (stepping forward) I'm not going to allow this. MARTHA (hauling her away) NO... no... I said leave her alone. AGNES (still screaming) You're trying to take my baby... trying to take my baby... no... (then quietly) It wasn't my fault Mommy... it was a mistake Mommy. MARTHA Alright Agnes... it's alright. One, two three... (claps her hands; Agnes comes to) It's alright... it's me, Doctor Livingston, it's alright, alright. Thankyou Agnes, thankyou. How do you feel? AGNES Frightened. MARTHA Do you remember what just happened? AGNES (a long pause) Yes. MARTHA That's good. Do you feel well enough to stand? AGNES Yes. Martha helps her to her feet. Agnes clings to her. MARTHA There you go. It's alright, it's alright, it's all over. It's alright Agnes, that's right, that's right. 65 EXT - LAND REGISTRY - DAY Martha approaches the building and enters it. 66 INT - RECORD ROOM - DAY The camera tracks through shelves of ancient records and maps. MARTHA (off) Ah excuse me. Hallo. I'm looking for some ah... ground plans for the ah... Saint Marie Madeleine Convent in (distorted). MAN (off) (answers in French) Martha and a middle aged official come into view. He stops at a long set of drawers and starts looking through it. MAN (in French) MARTHA (replies in French) MAN Oh... very interesting I guess... (he pulls out a folder of plans) Excuse me... He sets the folder down on a table and starts going through it. They both look at the plans. MAN (Cont.) Ah viola! This has everything. Even the secret entrance. They all had that. Usually to get from building to building in the snow... (he indicates on the plan) ... like that one. MARTHA (murmurs) That's how he got in... or she got out. MAN Oh excuse me, what did you say? MARTHA Nothing. May I take some notes? MAN Oh yes, (distorted) Martha starts drawing a rough plan. 67 INT - CRYPT - DAY The crypt is deserted but candles are burning in front of a statue of Saint Michael. Martha walks over to it,lights a candle and goes behind it and finds a stairway there leading underground. She goes down into... 68 INT - TUNNEL - DAY Martha walks through the dimly lit passage. She stops for a moment to look at a cross carved on the stone floor, then continues. Finally she reaches more steps and goes up into the... 69 INT - BARN - DAY Martha emerges through a trapdoor in to the barn which is full of doves. It begins to make sense for her. 70 EXT - CITY - DAY Various closeups of famous statues. A bell is tolling. Two nuns come out of a building, down streets, across the road as though traffic did not exist and into another building. 71 INT - LIFT - DAY The nuns are Sister Anne and Mother Miriam. In the lift an OFFICE GIRL checks her lipstick in the reflective metal walls. The lift stops and the Sisters get off. 72 INT - CORRIDOR - DAY They walk down the modern carpeted corridor into... 73 INT - MARTHA'S OFFICE - DAY Mother Miriam addresses the secretary, HELEN. MOTHER MIRIAM Is the Doctor in her office? HELEN Ah, who shall I say is calling? MOTHER MIRIAM (grimly) General MacArthur. She heads onto Martha's office. Helen jumps up after her. HELEN Just a minute please, you can't go in there. Mother Miriam pushes the door open to reveal Martha. MARTHA (standing) It's... it's alright Helen, just close the door. Mother Miriam walks in and throws some papers down onto Martha's desk. MOTHER MIRIAM I've just met with the bishop. We're taking you off the case. MARTHA (picking up the papers) You're what? MOTHER MIRIAM If we want to hire a psychiatrist for Agnes. we'll find our own, thank you. (starts to leave) MARTHA One that will ask the questions you want asked. MOTHER MIRIAM (halting) One that will approach this matter with some objectivity and respect. MARTHA For the Church? MOTHER MIRIAM For Agnes. MARTHA You think she's a saint? MOTHER MIRIAM She's been touched by God, yes. MARTHA How? How? She hallucinates, stops eating and bleeds spontaneously. Is that supposed to convince me she shouldn't be touched. Give me a miracle. MOTHER MIRIAM The father! MARTHA Who is he? MOTHER MIRIAM Why must he be anybody? MARTHA (laughs and sits down) My God, you're as crazy as... MOTHER MIRIAM Stop laughing, I don't say it's the truth, I'm saying... MARTHA How (distorted) ? MOTHER MIRIAM Don't be ridiculous. MARTHA Well give me a reasonable explanation MOTHER MIRIAM A miracle is an event without an explanation. If she's capable of putting a hole in her hand without benefit of a nail, why couldn't she split a cell in her womb? MARTHA This is insane. MOTHER MIRIAM There as no man in the convent on that night and no way for any man to get in or out. MARTHA You're saying God did it? MOTHER MIRIAM No, that's as much as saying Father Martineau did it. I'm saying God permitted it. MARTHA But how did it happen? MOTHER MIRIAM You'll never find the answer for everything God did. MARTHA I thought you didn't believe in miracles today Mother? MOTHER MIRIAM But I want the opportunity to believe. I want the choice to believe. MARTHA But what you are choosing to believe is a lie because you won't face the fact that she was raped... or seduced... or that she did the seducing. MOTHER MIRIAM She is an innocent. MARTHA But she is not an enigma Mother. Everything that Agnes has done is explainable from modern psychiatry. One, two, three, right down the line. MOTHER MIRIAM That's what you believe she is? The sum of her psychological parts? MARTHA That's what I have to believe... MOTHER MIRIAM Then why are you so obsessed with her? You're losing sleep over her? (Martha gets up disturbed) You're thinking about her all the time. You're bent on saving her. Why? Martha has no answer. MOTHER MIRIAM (Cont.) (calmer) I'm not accusing. I'm recognizing. MARTHA There's a tunnel out of the crypt into the barn. Did you know about that? There's an answer Mother. That's how she got out. MOTHER MIRIAM That's crazy. How could she find out about it? MARTHA Somebody told her. MOTHER MIRIAM Who? That tun... that tunnel hasn't been used in fifty years. MARTHA Oh, would you stop lying Mother! MOTHER MIRIAM Why would I lie? MARTHA Because it's murder we're talking about. Aren't you concerned about what she told us about the other person in her room. MOTHER MIRIAM I'm concerned about her health. MARTHA Who was that person Mother? Was it you? MOTHER MIRIAM If you believe this is murder, it is the Crown attorney you have to talk to, not me. And definitely not Agnes. She goes out and slams the door. 74 EXT - POND - DAY After a couple of establishing shots of the convent, the nuns are shown ice skating on the frozen pond. They are quite uninhibited, like little children. Their singing (off) from the chapel continues until the end of scene 78. 75 INT - CHAPEL - DAY Sister Genevieve, the other novice is being consecrated. She approaches the altar all dressed in white, carrying a single candle and kneels down. 76 INT - LAW COURTS - DAY Martha and Justice Leveau come up the steps and into the corridor. MARTHA All I want is one more week. LEVEAU Why? (continues in French, then...) You've done nothing to show any progress. MARTHA Yes, that's because I'm getting to her. LEVEAU You're getting to all of us Martha, let's face it. MARTHA I'll have a decision by next week. LEVEAU It's gone on long enough. You're out. MARTHA Oh Joe... Joe she didn't kill the baby. LEVEAU (halting) You have proof? MARTHA I'll have it. LEVEAU When? MARTHA Next week. LEVEAU (walking on) No, no, no... MARTHA I can get you new evidence next week. LEVEAU No! MARTHA Tomorrow... tomorrow, I'll get it by tomorrow. I will. They reach the door of Leveau's office. He thinks... LEVEAU Yes, demain (?) 77 INT - CHAPEL - DAY The scene consists of a number of shots dissolving into one another. Sister Genevieve lying face down in front of the bishop, Genevieve praying on her knees, her family (4) watching from behind the grilled gate. Genevieve's hair being cut, her joy at the habit being fitted to her, running out to join her family, a jolly old singalong on the piano, this time the nuns singing along from behind the gate. 78 EXT - CONVENT - DAY Martha drives up in her car and walks across the now snow covered grounds to the convent. 79 INT - MOTHER MIRIAM'S OFFICE - DAY Mother Miriam is working away at her desk when a nun interrupts. Singing from the party can faintly be heard. NUN (off) Excuse me Mother, Doctor Livingston is here. Mother Miriam nods tiredly and goes to meet Martha at he door. Martha hands her a court order. Mother Miriam reads it briefly and hands it back. MOTHER MIRIAM This is permission to take her apart. MARTHA Where is she? MOTHER MIRIAM Hasn't she had enough? MARTHA I have a few more questions to ask her. MOTHER MIRIAM My God, but you're determined. They move back into the room. MARTHA Who knew she was pregnant? MOTHER MIRIAM Why do you insist upon pressing... MARTHA Was it you? MOTHER MIRIAM Is it because she's a nun? MARTHA Did you know she was pregnant? MOTHER MIRIAM Yes. MARTHA And you didn't send her to a doctor. MOTHER MIRIAM I didn't guess until it was too late. MARTHA For what? An abortion? MOTHER MIRIAM Oh, don't be ridiculous. MARTHA Too late for what? MOTHER MIRIAM I don't know... too late to stop it. MARTHA The baby? MOTHER MIRIAM The scandal... MARTHA You went to the room to help with the birth. MOTHER MIRIAM She didn't want any help. MARTHA You wanted that child out of the way. MOTHER MIRIAM That's a lie. MARTHA You hid the wastepaper basket in her room. MOTHER MIRIAM I didn't hide it. I put it there for the blood and the dirty sheets. MARTHA And the baby. MOTHER MIRIAM No! MARTHA You tied the cord around its neck. MOTHER MIRIAM I wanted her to have it when no-one else was around, they would have taken the baby to a hospital and left it with them, but it was such a difficult birth, there was so much blood and I panicked. MARTHA Before or after you killed the child? MOTHER MIRIAM I left it with her and I went for help. MARTHA I doubt that's what she'd say. MOTHER MIRIAM Then she's a liar. 80 INT - ATTIC ROOM - DAY It is the same as before, except that this time Martha and Mother Miriam are standing. MARTHA Agnes, can you hear me? AGNES Yes. MARTHA I want you to remember if you can a night last January. The night Sister Paul died. Do you remember. There is a flash cut to Sister Paul being annointed. Agnes stirs slightly. MARTHA (Cont.) What's the matter? There is another flash cut, this time of Sister Paul saying that mysterious word that we could not previously understand. AGNES She said Michael. MARTHA What did she mean? There is a third flash cut of the shrine of Saint Michael in the crypt. AGNES The statue. She had shown it to me the day before. MARTHA And the passage to the barn? AGNES Yes. MARTHA Why? AGNES So I could go to him. MARTHA Who? AGNES Him. MARTHA How did she know about him? AGNES She'd seen him too. MARTHA Where? AGNES From the belltower the day she before she died. MARTHA So she sent you? AGNES Yes. 81 INT - TUNNEL - NIGHT In flashback: Agnes is walking alone through the tunnel carrying an oil lamp. MARTHA (V.O.) What happened? Agnes keeps walking and finally goes up the steps into... 82 INT - BARN - NIGHT Still in flashback, Agnes emerges into the barn. The doves flap about as Agnes moves nervously through the barn. AGNES (V.O.) He's here. 83 INT - ATTIC ROOM - DAY Back to the present: MARTHA Are you frightened? AGNES Yes. 84 INT - BARN - NIGHT In flashback: the doves continue to make flapping and bumping sounds as they fly around the barn. AGNES Hallo... 85 INT - ATTIC ROOM - DAY In the present: AGNES ... where are you? 86 INT - BARN - NIGHT In flashback: AGNES Is it you? Then she seems to be talking to someone although we can see nothing except the doves. AGNES (Cont.) I... I'm afraid... yes, yes I do... why me?... wait, I want to see you. MARTHA (V.O.) What do you see? 87 INT - ATTIC ROOM - DAY In the present: AGNES Halos... 88 INT - BARN - NIGHT In flashback: Agnes is still in the barn but now she is lying on her back. Still all we can see are doves flashing in the light. AGNES (V.O.) ... dividing and dividing feathers and starts, falling, falling into the iris of God's eye. Oh... oh!... it's... it's so lovely... it's so... blue... yellow... blood wings, brown, blood... And she lifts up her hands. 89 INT - ATTIC ROOM - DAY In the present: as she lifts up her hands, Agnes is horrified to see two holes in her palms weeping blood. AGNES His blood... my God... Martha and Mother Miriam are equally shocked. MARTHA Oh Agnes... Agnes runs terrified over to the walls blood pouring over her white habit. Mother Miriam rushes after her. AGNES It's bleeding... I'm bleeding... my God it won't stop, I can't get it to stop. (to Mother Miriam) Let go of me, I wish you were dead. MARTHA (trying to hold her) Agnes... Agnes... Agnes breaks free and runs over to another wall smearing it too with blood. Martha follows her. AGNES Stay away from me... MARTHA Agnes it had nothing to do with the hand of God. He did a terrible thing to you, do you understand? AGNES No... MARTHA He frightened you and he hurt you. It's not your fault. It's his fault. Tell us who he is so we can find him. Stop him from doing this to other women. AGNES Not your fault... MARTHA Agnes who did you see? AGNES I hate him... MARTHA Of course you do. Who was it? AGNES I hate him for what he did to me. MARTHA Yes. AGNES For what he made me go through. MARTHA Who? AGNES I hate him. MARTHA Agnes, who did this to you? Agnes flings her arms back against the wall. AGNES God! It was God. (sinks to her knees) And now I'll burn in hell because I hate him. MARTHA Agnes you won't burn in hell. It's alright to hate him. MOTHER MIRIAM That's enough. MARTHA Agnes, what happened to the baby? MOTHER MIRIAM (shouting) She can't remember. MARTHA What happened to the baby? AGNES It was dead. MARTHA It was alive wasn't it? AGNES I don't remember. MOTHER MIRIAM (screaming) Oh, don't do this! MARTHA Wasn't it! AGNES YES! Somehow this declaration seems to calm them down somewhat. Mother Miriam is looking utterly resigned. MARTHA Mother Miriam was with you wasn't she? AGNES Yes. MARTHA She took the baby in her arms? AGNES Yes. MARTHA You saw it all didn't you? AGNES Yes. MARTHA And then... what did she do? (no answer) Agnes what did she do? AGNES She... left me alone with that little thing, and I looked at it, and I thought this is a mistake. But it's my mistake, not Mommy's. God's mistake. AGNES (cont.) I thought I... I can save her. (she raises her hands) I can give her back to God. MARTHA What did you do? AGNES I put her to sleep. MARTHA H... how? AGNES I tied the cord around her neck... wrapped her in the bloody sheets... and stuffed her in the trash can. Mother Miriam gives a shuddering sigh, makes the sign of the cross and prays. Martha claps her hands lightly together once. 90 EXT - CITY - DAY A shaft of sunlight shines through the winter clouds onto the city. Angle on the courthouse. 91 INT - COURT ROOM - DAY All the main characters are present: Eve, Lyon, Martha, Agnes, Sister Marguerite and Mother Miriam. Justice Leveau is summing up. LEVEAU In view of the situation as it now stands, and the testimony given here this morning, it seems quite clear that the defendant was in no manner responsible for her actions. It is therefore the judgement of this court that she be returned to the convent of Marie Madeleine where she will be cared for under proper medical supervision by a visiting physician. Both Martha and Mother Miriam show relief at this. Justice Leveau continues to sum up in French when suddenly Agnes stands up. LEVEAU (Cont.) (surprised) Oui. Do you have something to say? AGNES (a long pause) I stood in the window of my room every night for a week. And one night I heard the most beautiful voice imaginable. And when I looked I saw the moon shining down on him. For six nights he sang to me, songs I'd never heard. And on the seventh night he opened his wings and lay on top of me. All the while he sang - (sings) Charlie Sweet... Charlie Sweet... Charlie's a... LEVEAU Please, remove her from the court. Martha and Mother Miriam step forward uncertainly. LEVEAU Would someone please remove the defendant from the courtroom. (continues in French) The nuns lead Agnes, still singing past Martha and out of the court. DISSOLVE TO: 92 EXT - CONVENT - DAY It is full winter; many shots of the convent and surroundings dissolving into one another. MARTHA (V.O.) I don't know the meaning behind the song she sang. Perhaps it was a song of seduction. And the father was a fieldhand. Perhaps the song was simply a lullaby that she remembered from many years ago. And the father was hope and... and love and desire. And a belief in miracles. The nuns are seen walking together through the snow back to the convent over which Agnes' singing can be heard. MARTHA (V.O.) I want to believe that she was blessed. And I do miss her, and I hope that she's left something, some little part of herself with me. That would be miracle enough wouldn't it? DISSOLVE TO: 93 EXT - TOP OF BELLTOWER - DAY Where Agnes is singing her song among the doves. She stops singing and the music fades in on the same key. Agnes gently takes on of the doves and lets it fly away across the snowy landscape. FADE OUT. END TITLES.